Plotting Techniques for the Pantser

Plotting Techniques for the Pantser

Pansting Vs. Plotting

When I started getting serious about writing (i.e. finishing projects) I felt this obsessive itch to know and understand which camp I fell into: Pantser or Plotter. I’d read so many places where people claimed to be staunchly one or the other, as if they’d found the One True Way. Less frequently and less exuberantly, other writers talked about how they were a little of both.

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How Reading Makes You A Better Writer (And Maybe A Better Human)

How Reading Makes You A Better Writer (And Maybe A Better Human)

Out of all the advice available for writers, one bit manages to both stand out from the rest and get bogged down by the rest: Reading.

I’m always surprised to hear that some writers don’t read a whole hell of a lot. One of the easiest ways I improve my own fiction is by reading good fiction. Each book lends its own set of lessons, and I’ve found pretty instantaneous results.

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Telling Yourself To Go Fuck Yourself (or) The Tricky Task of Writing a Novel

Telling Yourself To Go Fuck Yourself (or) The Tricky Task of Writing a Novel

Writing a novel is hard.

If you’ve ever attempted to write one, you know what I mean.

I’m almost done writing my first novel. I’m at that point where I’m checking for continuity, making sure everything makes sense, and generally prettying up the words. Soon I’ll be looking at querying agents! I’m so excited because this is the furthest I have ever come to completing a work this large. I’m proud of myself for doing it, but it’s been a long, weird, treacherous road getting to this point.
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